Rollins Stallworth


Rollins Stallworth

Alumnus, ‘15
Stanford Football
CC@S Community Member
Real Estate Advisor

I would deeply encourage every Stanford student, Stanford Alumni, Stanford affiliate, general member of the surrounding community to engage with CC@S as I could not be more thankful to be a part of such an amazing community.

Throughout all of my accomplishments, graduating high school, earning my B.S. and M.A. from Stanford, playing professional football, starting my career in commercial real estate, there is one common thread: CC@S. Whether it was going to Sunday Mass with classmates/dormmates, attending pre-game mass on Saturdays with Fr. Xavier, or volunteering with the Stanford Catholic Community, all while I was a Stanford athlete or it was post-Stanford, going to mass with my fiancée and meeting with Fr. Xavier regarding our relationship and future plans, CC@S has played and will continue to play an incredible role in my life.

I often tell people that early on at Stanford when I felt homesick, or things were tough with school or football, CC@S was my safe haven; it granted me a safe place to make friends, to think and pray, to grow and deepen my own faith. As a result, I have become closer with the lord, prouder of my faith and more connected with my community.