Brandon Hoang

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Brandon Hoang

Current Stanford Sophomore
Faith Formation, Undergraduate Catholic Student Association

I hope to enable and empower others to grow in their spirituality, just as CC@S has helped me, but I myself am still learning and growing from all that this community provides.

CC@S was one of the first communities that I encountered at Stanford, and I was instantly moved by how sincere and welcoming this community is. I was welcomed with open arms, and the members of this community were very accommodating to helping and guiding me towards different ways I could deepen my devotion. Having arrived at Stanford with a deep intellectual curiosity to learn more about how I can better practice my faith as an adult, I was and still am blessed with all the opportunities that CC@S provides. My personal experience has ranged from discussion groups and conversations with fellow students about the faith to seminars and guest lectures on theological ideas. Through these different paths, CC@S provided me with spiritual and intellectual nourishment. Now, just barely a year after my first interactions with it, I am still awestruck by how CC@S serves its members and broader community.