Regular summer schedule:
9:00am and 4:30pm, both in Memorial Church (in person); live stream at 4:30pm

More information:

In-person Masses

  • All are welcome! Stanford affiliation is not required.
    We are very grateful that the University has allowed us to celebrate Mass together as a total community in worship.
  • Bishop Cantú has given members of the diocese permission to once again share the communion cup (as of Sunday, July 2, 2023). We will have the option to share in the communion cup at Stanford.
    • While the body and blood of Jesus is fully present in either the consecrated bread or wine, receiving both is a fuller sign of participation in the eucharist.
    • Those with cold or flu-like symptoms should not receive from the cup. In fact, they should stay home. Clean hands are encouraged as well.
    • During flu season or the outbreak of other infectious disease, diocesan officials may make precautionary adjustments.

Live Stream (4:30pm Mass)

YouTube: @CatholicCommunityatStanford

Music Sheet

September 15, 2024

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