Fr. Bart Hutcherson, OP


Fr. Bartholomew Hutcherson, OP was ordained a priest of the Western Dominican Province in 1997. For the last 6 years, Fr. Bart has been assigned to the Province’s Itinerant Preaching Team, traveling to offer parish missions, retreats, and pilgrimages, while also serving as an adjunct lecturer in homiletics at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology. But Fr. Bart’s first love in ministry has always been serving the young church, having entered the Dominicans after working for several years as a lay youth minister. Within the Order, he continued to serve the young church in university ministry, having ministered at the Universitiesof Washington and Utah, UNLV, and 10 years as Pastor of the Newman Center at the University of Arizona.

Fr. Dominic DeLay, OP


Parochial Vicar/Associate Director

I'm thrilled to join the Catholic Community at Stanford. More than half of my 25 years as a priest have been in university ministry, most recently at UC San Diego. I just finished a year's sabbatical, during which I traveled with a group called Village Harmony to South Africa, Cuba, and Bosnia. As an undergraduate, I studied music at Occidental College in Los Angeles. After joining the Dominicans, I focused on theology and the arts at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. After a few pastoral assignments as a priest, I furthered my pursuit of the arts by studying filmmaking at Chapman University. Many of you know my Dominican classmates, former Stanford campus ministers Fr. John Paul Forté and Fr. Daniel Rolland, with whom I partner for Torch3m: Dominican Movies, Music & Magic. I look forward to getting to know you and walking with you on your faith journey.

Teresa Pleins


Chaplain; Dir. of Liturgy & Music; Family Faith Formation; 408-834-0039 (cell)
Room 103, The Nitery
office hours by appointment

The Catholic Community at Stanford has been my home since 1995. I am responsible for the liturgical ministry programs, religious education and sacramental preparation for children, the Gay and Lesbian small group, and pastoral counseling. I have a B.A. from San Jose State University, and an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry/Liturgy from Santa Clara University. Work outside this community includes retreats, teaching, and workshops on liturgy, preaching, scripture, gender studies and playing with my seven children.

Nancy Greenfield

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Chaplain; Director of Catholic Wedding Preparation; 650-704-0787 (cell)
office hours by appointment

I have been a chaplain for the Catholic Community at Stanford since 1983. My undergraduate degree was in Latin and Greek, and I have an M.A. degree in Pastoral Theology. My duties include Catholic wedding preparation and administration for the Center for Theological and Spiritual Formation. I am the author of Songs of Life: Psalm Meditations from the Catholic Community at Stanford, published in 2004.

Deacon John Kerrigan


My wife Elizabeth and our three children have been parishioners in the Catholic Community at Stanford since 2001. I was ordained to the diaconate in May 2012, and was pleased to be assigned to serve here at CC@S. My other roles include investment management (I manage the Santa Clara University Endowment and teach in the SCU Business School) and board work (Trustee of BlackRock's iShares ETF complex; Director of the BASIC Fund - Bay Area Scholarships for Inner City Children). Outside of work, I love spending time with my family, friends, and students here at Stanford.

M'Lis Berry

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Director of Development; 650-468-6797 (cell)

I joined the CC@S staff as Director of Development in 2011, after being a CC@S community member since childhood. Prior to joining the staff, I taught middle school English, coached high school sports, practiced law and was Director of Development at Sacred Heart Schools. I have two grown daughters who studied at the University that shall not be named across the Bay.

Fr. Bob Glynn, SJ


Parochial Vicar

The first eighteen years of my existence were lived on the “Isle of Style,” a.k.a. Alameda, California. I love the sight of water to this day and enjoy happy memories of primary and secondary school. I completed my Bachelor of Arts at the University of San Francisco and worked for a year as an intern at El Camino Hospital’s Human Support Department. From there I entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Santa Barbara in 1980. My Master’s degree studies took me to Boston College. Theology Studies at the Jesuit of Theology (Berkeley), were sandwiched between two stints at Brophy College Preparatory in Phoenix. It was in Phoenix that another Jesuit and I founded the Loyola Project, a ministry serving at-risk children of the inner city. I thought I would spend the rest of my life in Arizona, but was surprised by grace when my final year of Jesuit formation in Northern Ireland led me to spending nineteen years in Zambia. Now the Stanford adventure begins!

Sr. Gloria Marie Jones, OP


Pastoral Minister; 650-793-3639 (cell)

I am delighted to once again become a part of the vibrant Catholic Community at Stanford! I was raised in Anaheim, the youngest of 3 girls! My life was formed by my parents’ faith filled and loving spirit and my mother’s Italian heritage! A profound joy was witnessing the ordination of my father as deacon. I received my BA in English from Holy Names University in Oakland and my MA in Religious Studies from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Through the years my life and ministry have been enriched by participation in a two-year intensive program in Contemplative Dialogue, training in Process Facilitation as well as spiritual direction. My life as Dominican sister has involved teaching, campus ministry, formation, vocation, and retreat ministry. For 11 years I served as the Leader of the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. Most recently I directed the global Dominican Charism Initiative—the creation of a dynamic online learning platform that involves 7 interactive modules focused on capturing the depth and breadth of the Dominican Charism today. I’m happy to share more about this with you! I bring with me a deep desire to grow and learn with you and from you. We stand together in this critical moment as faith community called to be light and leaven for the Stanford community, our church and world. I offer my wholehearted commitment to this quest we share. I very much look forward to meeting and reconnecting with you!

Sr. Regena Ross, OP


Pastoral Minister

I was born and raised in San Francisco, the youngest of six children. I attended Presentation High School, St. Mary's College, and San Francisco State University. My undergraduate degree is in Broadcast Communication Arts, and my graduate degree is in Education with an emphasis in Educational Technology. I ministered as a Technology Coordinator for 17 years and was a teacher, Dean of Students, and Assistant Principal, all at the high school level. Before entering the convent, I was a parishioner at St. Dominic Church in San Francisco, where I met Fr. Dominic and Fr. John Paul Forté. I am happy to say I have been a Dominican Sister of Mission San Jose for 27 years and will celebrate my 25th Jubilee next May.

With much joy and anticipation, I will begin my college career here at CC@S. I look forward to sharing myself, my faith, and my passions with you. I enjoy singing, dancing, creating videos, and watching basketball games, especially the Warriors. I hope to be able to attend some Cardinal basketball games. I'm excited about the journey ahead.

Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, OP

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Former Pastor/Director

*Still available for Zoom, Phone or Visit in Berkeley; (650) 291-4590 (cell)
Holy Spirit Newman Parish, 2700 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA