Michele Schiele

Michele Schiele

Senior Associate Vice President, Office of Development
Permanent Community Member

It is hard to believe that my engagement with the Catholic Community at Stanford started nearly 12 years ago. We moved from the University of Chicago to Stanford and the first thing we did was locate CC@S. I knew how important it was to find anchors for the family in the first 100 days. Walking to Tressider each Sunday for the 10:30 am Mass was our ritual. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces each week as we acclimated to our new environment. Teresa’s choice of music each week always makes the Mass more meaningful for us and often we are humming the songs for the rest of the day. This community has a youthful spirit and a lightness that renews us each week. After receiving from the community for several months, we looked for ways to give back. First it was by picking up donuts at the Safeway and serving them after Mass. Then we signed up as Greeters for the 10:30 Mass, and now, my son and I enjoy working with Teresa and the middle and high schools students participating in religious education. I have also met and learned from so many incredible people through CC@S – I consider Heidi (Common Roots Farm), John Kerrigan, Terry Connelly, Spencer Furey and Teresa my friends in faith. The CC@S reminds us each week to choose to be a good person and serve others, and in return, we try to give back to the community that has given our family so much.