Dear Catholic Community at Stanford,

This year is different. It almost feels normal. One should still be COVID cautious, but this is the time for new creativity. There is much to do! 

These are hard times for many parents as they see their children leave the Church, and it is not just the Catholics, but even Evangelical Christians. It’s been a decades-long decline. The challenges of this moment can be overwhelming, but think of the opportunity. There was a time when there were just eleven apostles and a handful of women whose lives were turned upside down by the surprise of Resurrection and gift of Pentecost. It is time to rekindle that surprise and release that spirit, the Spirit today!

We need intentional disciples with liberating Good News who inspire their peers. The need is real and the signs of the Spirit are stirring in our midst. The number of student leaders, the percentage of male participants, the clarity and intensity of the faith in these young men and woman are all on the rise!

We have been blessed with the boldness of Pope Francis who calls us to synodality, literally “to journey together on the way.” The surprise of our first CC@S synod listening sessions, engaging the diversity of our students from conservative to liberal, from devout to on the margins, was the energy and mutual understanding unleashed. I can’t help but believe that the Spirit is touching and transforming hearts 

One of the goals of the Catholic Community at Stanford is to make that ancient Gospel process of listening to one another, discerning the Spirit’s call, and responding with creative energy the new normal of how we do things. Encounter Christ, Radiate Joy & Transform the World, our Mission Statement, captures the vision we hold, the call we share.

Our Synodal journey has unleashed among us  meaningful dialogue and shared engagement that has led to the creation of six action teams each composed of students, staff and members of the permanent community. New relationships are being forged, understanding across diverse generations, cultures and ideologies is growing, possibilities for new life and growth within our community and beyond are being discovered.    Imagine the impact this movement can have in the wider Stanford community, in the worlds these students encounter now and in their future.   

Again and again, we are learning, students don’t just want more knowledge; they want to experience Christ and discover others. We, as staff, have heard this cry and are focusing our energy on teaching and nurturing an experiential spirituality shaped by

  1. The Ignatian Examen in which one discovers God in one’s day, 

  2. Contemplative Praying that helps one finds oneself in the Gospel and the Gospel in one’s life, 

  3. Small Faith Sharing Groups that connect and see God in each other.

  4. A Retreat Program that provides the silence and direction that opens one to to hear God’s voice and discern God’s call

  5. Educational experiences that address and engage students in critical life and Church issues 

  6. Liturgical celebrations that inspire, nurture, and challenge our students.

We are keenly aware that a strong infra-structure is needed to give expression and support to this growth. To this end we are

  1. Reorganizing the structure of our Catholic Community world by providing new, intentional opportunities to connect  undergraduates, graduates/post-docs and year-round community members and making the Synodal call to journey together through shared listening and discerning our new mode of being/action/operating principle.

  2. Developing a CC@S communication app that enables all levels of leadership and membership to connect with ease, to publish and evaluate events, and to disseminate information 

  3. Expanding our Service opportunities and grounding them in theological reflection.

  4. Developing an Electronic newsletter that disseminates significant Catholic articles and resources to stimulate insights and dialogue on matters of faith

  5. Sponsoring a Spring Immersion experience in San Crisotobal, Chiapas, Mexico where our students will expanded their experience of Church and culture as they join the Dominican Sisters of San Jose in their mission to the Mayan indigenous people.

  6. Offering a class on Science & Religion at Stanford taught by a member of our community who is a Stanford scientist and member of the Vatican Observatory.

Can you sense the Spirit alive and growing in our midst! Can you join us in imagining how many will be blessed, what hope and new life will be born from this growing community of dynamic and inviting believers. Can you join us in praying for the impact these students will have as they are sent forth into new worlds of learning, new communities of faith… The Spirit is birthing a renewed, expanded experience of Church among us. This is the vision, the mission we embrace. We invite you to join us in making this a strong, vibrant gift to our Church and world.

Fr. Xavier Lavagetto OP