Gloria Yi
/Gloria Yi
Alumna, ’21
JD Candidate, Columbia Law School
“I started exploring Catholicism following a season of wrestling with God. My prayer life was already enriched by Catholic spirituality and my love for Scripture grew as I learned from Catholic thinkers. When Christ himself invited me into even deeper intimacy with him through the Eucharist, I just had to say yes.”
Though the journey was challenging, there was never a time when I ever had to walk alone. I am particularly grateful for CC@S staff, for faithfully walking with me as I went from exploring Catholicism to finally being received and confirmed into the Catholic Church on Easter 2021. Over many months, Fr. Bob answered my questions about Catholicism and taught me how to grow in love and freedom in discernment. Through RCIA, Fr. X deepened my appreciation for the sacraments and showed me how my own gifts can be used to serve God and community. In our weekly morning calls, Lourdes created a space of compassion and safety where I could process, pray, and above all, know that I am beloved. God has shown me so much love through this ministry and community, love I will treasure and share with an ever-growing sense of wonderment.