Diogo Pinto Leite de Braganca
/Diogo Pinto Leite de Braganca
PhD Candidate, Physics
Coming to Stanford was my first time living abroad for a long time. In a country and a region with a different culture and language from mine, it was a great blessing to have the opportunity to join this Catholic Community. I remember very clearly the first Mass at Memorial Church that I attended, and the warm welcoming smile from Lourdes after Mass.
Joining a Small Group gave me the opportunity of making some good friends that put up with me and I started looking forward to the Monday night Dinner and Discussion.
In a university that too often, sadly, is so dry and devoid of Christ, this community was a safe harbor that pushes for holiness. Participating in meetings like Dogma&Donuts, and joint meetings with other Christian groups (eg IV Grad) inspired me to go deeper in the Catholic faith. It was also inside the Catholic Community that I joined three other guys that were crazy enough to do Exodus 90 together.
Now, looking backwards, I am very grateful that I could develop here my relationship with Jesus and His Blessed Mother, while getting to know my Catholic brothers and sisters.
Servus Mariae nunquam peribit