Dear Catholic Community at Stanford,

When Covid first struck, who knew we would be away from campus so long. We all became experts on Zoom meetings, and YouTube Masses. Lots of people put their hearts into keep the lights burning. Masses continued, married couples prepared, infants baptized and youth and Stanford students confirmed, confessions heard, classes taught, small groups met, spiritual counsel given, communion taken to the homebound, the sick visited in hospital, and 17 participants in our RCIA program for new Catholics and confirmations.

Thank you for making it all possible. 

Real resiliency demands growth. One has to dream of a better future if it is to become real! The Dream Team met, and a Pastoral Council called the Intercommunity Council (ICC) formed. The Lamplighters series began with Olympian Gold Medalist, Katie Ledecky, and Heidi Cartan, founder of Common Roots Farm for the disabled, and Jesse Sullivan the founder of Alter that brings entrepreneurial work for the poor to Haiti, Bhutan, etc. He has recently begun his campaign to become the GOP candidate for Governorship of Illinois.

Thank you for making new dreams possible.

Now that the University has opened, we are happily back in Memorial Church (with an added 9 AM Mass). Everything seems to be coming at us at breakneck speed, and it is wonderful! We are preparing for our retreat open to the entire community, Entering in to the Ignatian Quiet. Whether you are far or near, there is a role for you! Our goal is to inspire everyone to see that they are with the Staff, ICC and Finance Council, Christ’s ministers to the University and the community. 

God has blessed us with two Sisters of Mission of San Jose Dominicans to replace the irreplaceable Lourdes Alonso. Their congregation is sacrificing for us. The passion for service in Sr. Gloria Marie Jones OP and Sister Regena Ross OP is inspiring. God’s continues to bless us!

Thank you for your support!

A number of projects are in development; one is our response to the Pope’s call. He postponed the 2022 Synod of Bishops until 2023 and is asking for an unprecedented two-year process of listening in every parish, every chaplaincy, and every diocese. The Spirit speaks through the People of God. This listening includes those close to and those distant from the Church, to young adults and to youth, and to those on the margins and those we would ignore. The Church welcomes the voice of scholars and non-Catholics, and all estranged and suffering. A steering committee is being formed to design a unique process for our university setting. This is a Spirit-inspired moment in our Church. In addition, various groups are being formed for Hospitality, Young Adults, Social Justice and more. Don't wait to be asked, Jesus is always looking for willing hearts! Contact me! It is time to act. I want to hear from you.

Thank you for your support! You kept the doors open, and lights blazing. We want to set the world on fire.

Live Jesus in our hearts! Forever!

Fr. Xavier Lavagetto OP