Fr. Xavier's 'Bottom Line Bottom Line' from Lamplighter Series Interview with Lourdes Alonso, June 2021:
Where is God calling you? Where will you step up and into our Catholic Community at Stanford?
God asked a young Isaiah, “Whom shall I send?”
And he answered, “Here I am, Lord. Send me!”
Lourdes heard that call so many years ago.
She has been saying yes again and again. It took her to Arizona, and then to Stanford.
Too often, people hear the call for service, but respond with the immortal Catholic words, “I am not worthy.” That is a two-fer! They get out of work and they feel humble!
There are over 1.34 billion Catholics – and only 3 hundredths of a percent are priests. Where are the lay leaders?
Charles Dickens, wrote: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” We bemoan the Church’s worst of times, but what better time to make a difference.
Make this time the best of times.
The Lord is calling. Lourdes heard and said yes. She did not leave time ordinary.
She fell in love with people, and in their faces, she saw something of the face of God.
She saw the dignity that is every person. How could she not become passionate about them and the seven principles of Catholic Social Teachings which liberates human dignity?
In seeing and responding, she discovered something wonderful about herself.
We all want to find ourselves, take the risk of being a leader.
It is only by giving ourselves, that we return to ourselves.
It is only in finding others, that we find ourselves.
The Lord is still asking you: Whom shall I send?
We need community members to help with Fr. Xavier's vision to expand the lay leadership of CC@S. Please, if you are interested in assisting or leading, please contact Fr. Xavier ( or Alicia Restrepo (