We have two exciting events to help. Don’t walk alone.
Wednesday, October 11, 7:30-8:30pm: Being Catholic in College
The Common Room (Rom 302), Old Union
All undergrads are invited to this exploration of ways to grow in your Catholic faith during your Stanford journey. Hear from a panel of juniors and seniors about how they’ve navigated faith at Stanford. Ask them your questions. Refreshments will be provided. No registration foe this event. Just come.
Saturday, October 14, 9:30am-3pm: Frosh Retreat
All frosh are invited to this day of continued exploration and practice of ways to grow as a Catholic human at Stanford. If you went to the Wednesday event, you’ll find this to be a nice complement, a chance to practice ways of prayer, and a great opportunity to get to know other Catholic frosh. Lunch and transportation to the nearby Church of the Nativity are provided. RSVP here by Thursday, October 12.