“How Much Is Enough?”—Power

God’s power and ours/The uses and abuses of Power

What about power in our everyday lives? What kinds of powers are there, and is all power negative? On the other hand, how can power be misused? This is a spiritual study, not an academic one, and it is in no way complete, but it is part of a process by which we evaluate society’s arrogating to itself too much power and take time to evaluate our own personal enjoyment of or misuse of power.

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Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 26, 2022

Discipleship is a radical call

Gospel: Luke 9:51–62
No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God

St. Francis of Assisi is a wonderful example of a radical response to Jesus’ command: “Follow me”. He left a life of riches and ease and embraced radical poverty and love of all creation. He is the saint of humility, simplicity, serving our neighbors, and joy.

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