Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 3, 2022

Gospel: John 8:1–11
Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on, do not sin any more.

At this point in the Lenten season we may need to recognize and experience both God’s justice and God’s mercy. By confessing our sinfulness and determining to avoid sin, we bear witness to the justice of God. By accepting the forgiveness of our sins and by determining to forgive those who have offended us, we bear witness to God’s mercy.

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Third Sunday in Lent, March 20, 2022

God is mysterious but not malicious

Gospel: Luke 13:1–9
But unless you repent, you too will all perish.

Jesus’ parable offers tolerance and patience before judgment. It is a good parable for Lent and it isn’t so much a threat as it is a grace: the year’s extension for the fig tree is a grace, because it offers reprieve with time to become fruitful; the warning is also a grace, because it can shake us out of our torpor and stir us to do something.

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