Third Sunday of Advent, December 12, 2021

What we should do to prepare for the coming of the kingdom

Gospel: Luke 3:10–18
Teacher, what should we do?

Taking John’s cues we can say that simply living honest lives is a good start. We look to our relationships and our responsibilities: ruptures are to be mended; frictions addressed; family responsibilities faced; work done honestly; employees treated justly. Start where you are, John says.

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First Sunday of Advent, November 28, 2021

Be prepared; Finding hope in the midst of waiting

Gospel: Luke 21:25–28, 34–36
Be vigilant at all times

Prayer is essential if the disciples are to fulfill their call to vigilance against the surrounding seductive powers we encounter daily in overt and subtle ways: aggression, racism, political corruption, indifference to the blight of others, isolations from the community, greed and a host of other such forces.

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32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 7, 2021

Gospel: Mark 12:38–44
This poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.

For the generous widow … as one totally dependent on God and without social or economic importance, her action was what a religious action should be (as in Matt 6:1-18)—an expression of love of God and love of neighbor.

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