Below are some of the ways in which you can help CC@S bring the Mass to community members online. If you are interested, please contact Teresa Pleins (

On-site Technical Team (St. Thomas Aquinas)

  • Work with experienced tech crew members to support on-site audio and video production for the 4:30PM live-stream mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto.
  • Familiarity with using DSLRs and mirrorless cameras for video would be helpful, as would experience with live sound mixing.
  • Must be comfortable with a fast-paced situation and ok with working indoors while following social distancing and hygiene protocols

Remote Technical Team (Control Room @ Home)

  • Monitor the livestream rehearsal from your home and provide feedback to the on-site technical team.
  • Helpful traits are awareness of video and audio quality issues as well as the ability to quickly provide feedback in real-time.
  • Must have a solid Internet connection

Video Production/Creation Team

  • Create pre-recorded content for use in the livestream using audio, video and still photos
  • Helpful skills are audio and video editing (e.g., experience with Final Cut Pro) and graphic design sensibility
  • Work with experienced video creators to produce new content (e.g., "Advent Slideshow")

Photography Team

  • We're looking for photos that can be used by our Video Production/Creation team
  • Particularly need folks who can support specific projects by either:
    • providing photos from a library of your own photos, or
    • making new photographs, or
    • curating royalty-free stock images (e.g., from Unsplash)