Submit Resources for Publication
/Submission Criteria
The Editorial Review Board for our CATH-Links Newsletter, empaneled by the Intra-Community Council (ICC), is tasked with selecting up to five links each month for inclusion in the newsletter based on the following criteria:
Align with the above-stated goal of CATH-Links.
Reflect the Synod’s spirit of inclusivity and dialogue.
Ideally have more intellectual gravitas than what the popular media offers.
Encourage diversity of thought and without ad hominem attacks.
Complement and contextualize the firehose of information that everyone is already bombarded with daily.
If the link you submit is behind a paywall, please submit an alternate source to ensure accessibility by all.
For book suggestions, please include a brief abstract/review with a limit of 400 words.
From time to time, we may spotlight an article to encourage broader discussion among community members.
Submit a link to an article or other resource for consideration to