February 19, 2023 (Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time)

“When I Get Grown”
by Fr. Dominic DeLay, O.P.

This is crazy talk from Jesus. I mean he started this pipedream sermon on the mountain with “blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you.” Then he compared anger with killing. And now he’s telling us to love our enemies and to be perfect, to give ourselves over to more abuse by offering them the other cheek to hit?! I’m sorry, Jesus, but that’s just crazy talk.

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February 12, 2023 (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

“Choose Life in Christ”
by Deacon John Kerrigan

What was it that motivated Megan O’Neil, Stanford Class of 2013, to leave a job at Apple to pursue a graduate degree in theology, a decision that led to her current role as the head of marketing for Hallow, the number one Catholic app in the world? In the spirit of the passages from Scripture we just heard proclaimed, Megan… chose life.

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