November 14, 2021 (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

“You first.”
by Deacon John Kerrigan

November is always a bittersweet month. In the midst of autumn’s beauty, there are so many evident signs that the end of the calendar year is upon us: cooler evenings, shorter periods of daylight, Thanksgiving celebrations just ahead followed by Advent, Christmas and the holiday season. November resembles a crossroads, both in nature and our Church: one season is ending, another is about to come to life.

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October 24, 2021 (30th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

“I was blind, but now I see.”
by Deacon John Kerrigan

This troubling headline appeared recently on the front page of the Wall Street Journal: “Desperate to feed her family of six, Saleha, a housecleaner in western Afghanistan earning 70 cents a day, incurred such an insurmountable debt that the only way she saw out of her situation was to hand over her three-year-old daughter, Najiba, to the man who lent her the money.” Her debt? $550.

Now, let’s take a moment for these words to sink in.

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September 19, 2021 (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

“Stanford Upside Down Duck Syndrome”
by Fr. Dominic DeLay, O.P.

You new students have already heard plenty about Stanford’s two great syndromes: imposter and duck, imposter syndrome being the nagging feeling that you don’t belong at Stanford, that everyone else is superior to you, and duck syndrome being the feeling that you have to look like you’re gliding across the Stanford waters of excellence, but your feet are desperately paddling under the surface.

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September 5, 2021 (23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

“Be Opened!”
by Deacon John Kerrigan

Bill Campbell was a storied player in Silicon Valley. Beloved by many, he was also known for his bluntness during the years that he served as an executive coach for the CEOs of Apple, Google, and Amazon.

Tales about Campbell’s contrarian style continue to float around the Valley today, five years after his death. A couple of those stories have application to today’s scripture passages.

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