February 6, 2022 (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

by Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, O.P.

[This is the text composed by the homilist prior to delivering the homily.]

They were on the shores of the Galilee. Plenty of open spaces, yet they stood side by sidecheek by jowl. They were literally “pressing on” Jesus. No wonder Jesus commandeered a boat to sit and speak. It’s hard to talk, harder yet to be heard if you’re being mobbed.  

Why the crunch? … To touch one who radiated healing power, and announced the Kingdom of God when all will be made right.  

Where’s is his Kingdom?  ... Near and now! … Did they seen it then? Have you noticed it? …  It was a mess then and now. … What did they do? What do we do? … Play it safe; wait for some else to risk living it. … So what’s missing? … God’s image-bearing people! 

Genesis says we are made in the image and likeness of God, but we are often not our best. As people, we are God’s disappointment. From the beginning, we’ve ratified by our actions the brokenness that wounds planet and people. God called Abraham to be a healing of the wound of sin and a light to the nations. … That Israel’s mission, and it’s yours! … In Christ, you’ve been grafted on to Israel and to Christ.  … Do you live the mission?   

Two Sunday’s ago, we heard that Jesus read and chose Isaiah’s words as his job description: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free. If you are in Christ and Christ is in you, then it’s your job description too!  

Let me be provocative! Your job is not about getting to heaven! … Your job is to bring heaven to earth! … We pray it daily; “thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is heaven.” Certainly, the completeness comes later, but the seed has been planted. It is growing now.   

Where are the signs of God’s Kingdom?  … History is littered with them, but we often don’t notice! … Many confuse God’s kingdom with society’s idols of power, wealth, and pleasure. That’s the wrong kingdom! … Jesus warned us; the Kingdom of God seems to be no more than smelly, slimy yeast or barely noticeable mustard seeds. … Most want the kingdom of getting ahead, instead of coming alive.  

When we forget to live the kingdom’s values, life goes bad. Paul listed the results:  enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy. (Gal 5:20-21) … Sound familiar? Sounds now. 

Paul also described the influence of those living God’s kingdom now. God’s image-bearing people bring love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal 5:22-23)   

These don’t just happen! They have to be chosen, cultivated and lived by you as a community!  … Throughout history, God’s kingdom people, ignored and poor, mistreated and marginalized have incarnated Christ’s love. They are the living saints in our lives. They feed the hungry, clothed the naked, tended the sick, visited the imprisoned, worked for peace, stood for justice, built bridge of understanding and more. … Paul tells us creation is waiting for you to be God’s image bearers who incarnate in your flesh the kingdom of God. You are to heal the wounds of sin and be a light.   

In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus said: I will make you fishers for people. While Jesus in Luke said: Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people. Luke literally reads, “You will be catching human beings alive.”  … Luke emphasizes that Jesus, and those he sends, bring new life. You are called to be the birthplace of God’s kingdom in a world that doesn’t notice but make a difference!   

The Pope wants to make a difference. He invites you on synodal journey, literally, walking “together on the road.” Be the renewed face of the Church. Do what Jesus did. He sought, welcomed, and invited people. He listened and responded to their cries.  

Pope Francis has asked 1.34 billion Catholics to talked with others as friends, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, yes, even those you ignore or dislike. Listen to your experiences and their experiences, asking what the Spirit might be saying.  In the welter of all those voices, listen for the Spirit’s challenge to truly become a healing, life-giving community.  

All these “listenings” will be collected and used to set the agendas for the Synod of Bishops in Rome, 2023, for our Diocesan Synod next winter, and for this parish later this Spring.  

We will begin this process this week with an anonymous online Survey to gather your experiences. Then beginning next Sunday listen to other’s experiences by joining one of our three listening circles (1) the first will be next Sunday at an added special 10:30 Mass on Wilbur Fielding, (2) or in Old Union the following Wednesday or (3) at an Online Tuesday Town Hall. The QR code for the Survey and the dates of the various listening venues are in the bulletin, online and in emails. These will be followed by deeper exploring sessions. Beneath all this is the Pope’s plea for us to be the Church together on the Jesus road. Learn the arts of welcoming, discerning and serving.  

Listening without judging. Jesus told us again and again, don’t do that! Reject the trap of arguing or correcting. Listen for understanding! Listen for what the Spirit might be saying. While you can’t change anyone, that’s God grace and their choice, you can be an opportunity. Be like Jesus, who invited, and shared conversations and meals. They experienced God’s love in him. Do the same!  Christianity is not a spectator sport. 

The real threat to this process is timidity. We are afraid of being labeled and judged! … Giving into such fear only isolates, and isolation robs us of joy. No one rejects one who is enthusiastic, warm, and welcoming. Reach out like Jesus.   

Take today or this week our anonymous Catholic Community’s survey and then register to one of the listening circles. Again, the QR code and links are in the bulletin and emails. Registering is helpful but not required.  

But for right now, prayerfully listen to the survey’s questions. Don’t rush to answer; pray your answer Give space for the Spirit’s voice. 

  1. What is your experience of “journeying together” as Church? (Positive or Negative?)

  2. What joys do you experience in journeying together? (as a Church community)

  3. What difficulties & obstacles have you (or others) encountered?

  4. What current challenges/issues/needs should our Church focus on now?

  5. What is your dream/vision/hope for our Church today and in the future?

This is an exciting and unique moment in the Church’s history. Let the Pope hear from you. But even more, bring God’s kingdom to earth by living it!

Live Jesus in our hearts! And let the people say:Forever.