A Daring Promise: Spirituality of Christian Marriage
Tuesdays—Sep 21 & 28, Oct 5
Online via Zoom (see weekly email or contact Fr. Xavier, xavierop@stanford.edu for passcode)
Let’s talk … about Marriage! Not just for the married or those planning marriage, but for those who marriage is long in the future. You reflection now shapes your tomorrow.
Discuss readings and ideas from the book A Daring Promise: Spirituality of Christian Marriage by lay Catholic married theologian Richard R. Gaillardetz, husband & father: “This book tells why faithful, committed marriage is difficult, why it is one of the most demanding endeavors one could undertake in our world today.”
The book may be purchased from Amazon: Kindle $9.99, Audible $14.99, Paperback $13.49, & Used from $4.09.
3rd Meeting, October 5th
Ch. 5, Marriage & Sexuality
Ch. 6 Marriage & the Domestic Church
Questions before reading chapter 5: (a) Can great sex hide a bad relationship? For how long? (b) Critique the Church’s assertion that a contraceptive mentality “prizes convenience above all else?” (c) What stress does the Church’s teaching place or not place on married couples? (d) Are people comfortable and appreciative of the erotic? (e) Can spouses be generative beyond the rearing of children?
Questions before reading chapter 6: (a) What does a domestic church look like? In what ways was your own family a domestic church? (b) How might your chosen profession be in service of the Kingdom of God? What does it take? (c) How does being a parent affect the marriage relationship for good or ill?