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Lamplighters: Jesse Sullivan and Alan Chiu

“God Leads by Lantern, Not Flashlight on High Beam”

Monday, July 26, 2021 @ 7:00pm (Pacific)
online via Zoom—
see weekly email for passcode


Join us for a conversation between CC@S community member Alan Chiu ’11, and alumnus Jesse Sullivan, ’15. “Jesse founded Alter with a desire to bring together two radically different worlds: Silicon Valley, which is the tip-of-the-spear in creating the future innovation economy, and emerging markets, where opportunity abounds, yet billions still live in poverty.” Come listen to Jesse’s story of how he was called to start Alter.

This 20-30 minute short talk will be followed by an opportunity to meet in small groups and then to ask Alan and Jesse questions, all in under an hour.

There is a wealth of experiences and stories in our own CC@S community – stories that inspire and stories that enlighten.

Stories are a wonderful way to connect us and to support each other along our path of faith. Let’s let the light shine.

Other upcoming sessions:

August 23, 2021—Catherine Wolff / Tom Plante

September 21, 2021—John Denniston / Ted Robinson

October 18, 2021—Tricia Bolle / Fr. Isaiah

November 15, 2021—Ronan McGovern

December 6, 2021—Alan Chiu / Tricia Bolle

January 24, 2022—Chris Candelaria / Teresa Pleins

Earlier Event: June 15
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