Do you have election anxiety?

1) Read Fr. James Martin, SJ’s brief article >> [; may require subscription] about ignoring the inner voices of despair and acting on the inner voices of hope.

Catholic Community Events:

2) Come to a special “Adoration for Peace” on Election Night, Tuesday, November 5, 9-10pm, Memchu.

3) Come to our Taize prayer for peace Tuesday, November 12, 7-8pm.

Other Stanford Events:

4) Election Day, the Office for Religious and Spiritual Life offers “Sanctuary for Stress and Struggles,” a chance to walk the labyrinth, and yoga. Then, later in the week, an organ concert and Tea for the Soul. For details, go here >> [] and scroll down.

5) Also at Stanford, there’s the annual Election Day Democracy Day events >> [] as well as other democracy events >> [].