Executive Summary (PDF File)
Full Report (PDF file)
Invitation to Lead & Serve: Forming The Intra-Community Council (PDF file)
Dream Team members:
Maria Barba (Class of 2017, Jesuit Volunteers, Elementary School Teacher, Graduate of UCLA Teacher Education Program 2020)
Walker Brown (Class of 2019, 2 nd Assistant at United Talent Agency)
Alan Chiu (GSB Alumni, Class of 2011, CEO at Enya, Co-President at Stanford Angels, Entrepreneur
Terry Connelly (Dean Emeritus of Ageno School of Business)
Steven Howell (Class of 2019, CEO & Career Coach, Howell Coaching)
Katie Hufker (Class of 2018, Facebook Software Engineer )
Katherine Shreve Lazo (Assistant Athletics Director - Engagement, Stanford)
Alicia Restrepo (Associate Director, Capital Projects & Project Management, Stanford)
Dr. Thomas Plante Ph.D. (Professor of Psychology & Director of Applied Spirituality, Santa Clara University, Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Stanford School of Medicine)
J.D. Schram (Founder of Mastery in Communication Initiative at the Graduate School of Business)
Tom Zigterman (Director of Water Resources & Civil Infrastructure, Stanford)