Catholic Community at Stanford is a part of the Diocese of San Jose. In compliance with the directive of our bishop, Oscar Cantú, CC@S receives communion only in the hand in this time of pandemic.
“A sure principle in order not to err is obedience. Obedience to the norms of the Church, obedience to the Bishops. In times of difficulty (e.g. wars, pandemics), Bishops and Episcopal Conferences can give provisional norms which must be obeyed. Obedience safeguards the treasure entrusted to the Church. The measures given by the Bishops and Episcopal Conferences expire when the situation returns to normal.”
—Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship (as per Audience granted with Supreme Pontiff Francis on 3 September 2020)
Also, a denied petition that went to the CDF from Knoxville, TN about the issue: DWDSPetitionerLetter1.pdf [] in which Archbishop Roche, Secretary of the Prefecture of the Congregation of Divine Worship, rejects a case brought from Knoxville, TN Catholic Diocese to overturn Bishop Stika of Knoxville’s suspension of the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue during the pandemic.
The position of Bishop Cantú is similar to that of Bishop Stika.