We are happy to offer the sacrament of baptism for children of Stanford students, faculty, staff, alums, and other families who are registered, actively serving, and contributing members of Catholic Community at Stanford (CC@S) for at least six months. Regretfully the only way we can verify participation is through Mass donations made by check, Venmo or PayPal, or by volunteering in one of our service or small group programs. Baptisms are held quarterly in Memorial Church at a 4:30 PM Sunday Mass.
Eligible families for Baptism within CC@S are:
A member of Catholic Community at Stanford who is currently registered and is an active participant in its worship.
We determined a family’s active participation by having contributed regularly and/or volunteered for the last six months.
Any full-time student in residence at Stanford and its vicinity
Any Faculty or Staff member of Stanford University.
In baptizing your child you are making a commitment to practice and raise the child in the Catholic faith, and to regularly participate in Sunday worship with the Catholic Community. Members of other parishes need their pastor’s written permission before any ceremony is performed.
Special exemptions should be addressed to Administrative Assistant for the Pastor at: CatholicCommunityAsst@gmail.com
Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a Baptismal Prep class Unless they have recently done so. Please contact our baptism coordinator at catholiccommunityasst@gmail.com for information about baptism class requirements.
Catholic Community at Stanford Baptismal Inquiry Form
To make an inquiry or schedule a baptism or class, please use the form below to submit all required details. If you have any additional questions please contact the Administrative Assistant at CatholicCommunityAsst@gmail.com and we will respond.